DAYS of MINDFULNESS -Once a month we welcome you to join the Community to nourish peace, wellbeing and insight
Please see below the monthly dates for our Public Mindfulness Days and how to book
A retreat should refresh us.
It should offer nourishment for the mind body and spirit.
A retreat should enable us to live with more clarity, peace and joy.
At Dharma Gaia our focus is to come home to ourselves, and develop deep understanding of the nature of reality so that we may live more in freedom and joy. We practice in a way that we are no longer pulled backwards into past regrets and suffering nor swept away by our worries and plans for the future. This does not mean that we deny or shut ourselves off from the past or the future, it means that we can be in touch with these aspects with insight, understanding and clarity through the stability that present-moment awareness enables.
Retreats at Dharma Gaia offer us the opportunity to be supported by a committed community of mindful living and to deepen our own capacity to live more present, more peacefully with joy and awareness.
During retreats there are formal teachings offered by Dharma teachers – both monastic and non-monastic. There may also be sessions in smaller groups in which we have a chance to explore and support each other to translate the teachings into reality in our everyday lives.
The practice of Mindfulness is simple... but it is not always easy and we understand that. Retreats usually have the range of practitioners from beginners to long-term. Each person is supported wherever they are in their understanding and realisations. New or long term; young or old; rich or poor; awakening does not depend on any of these conditions. The gentle but clear focus of present moment awareness optimises conditions that will enable all to wake up and be truly present to the miracle that is life.
Please see below the monthly dates for our Public Mindfulness Days and how to book
Come live with us. 4 day silent Retreat to restore … rejuvinate … remember your True Self
Our beloved teaching team of Seonaid Espiner and Toni Calder open Dharma Gaia’s retreat season with their unique blend of joy movement and stillness.
Join us for a day or a half day of mindful presence with community on the land
Are you energetic and interested in feeding your heart and spirit with wholesome community, music, beauty, and the power of Mindful living, …
LABOUR WEEKEND 3 DAY Breathe - You are alive! Free Body, Free Mind
Join us for a day or a half day of mindful presence with community on the land
Welcoming the blossoming of spring within & without
Join us for a day or a half day of mindfulness practice together
Dear Friends, Dharma Gaia is closed for the Residential Reflection and Rest period from Friday 6th September until Monday 23rd September.. Click here for further details and sharing about the essential practice of rest and reflection
Exploring the true powers of the Meditator - Creative - Compassionate -Awake and Engaged
This is a closed retreat for members and aspirants of The Order of Interbeing. Members please contact Roupu Tiaki for further information tiakiOIA@gmail.com
A five-day retreat with Sister Shalom and Toni Calder to nourish your yoga practice and realisation of true presence in every moment of life
‘May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
Join us for a day or a half day of mindfulness practice together.
You can join for the early morning sit or arrive for a 9.30am start and stay until lunchtime or about 4pm.
Bookings are essential. Please email your request to dharmagaia.org@gmail.com
a deep and nourishing opportunity to join the residential community …
Dear Friends, Dharma Gaia is closed for the Residential Reflection and Rest period from 20 May until Monday 3 June.. Click here for further details and sharing about the essential practice of rest and reflection
Join us for a day or a half day of mindfulness practice together.
You can join for the early morning sit or arrive for a 9.30am start and stay until lunchtime or about 4pm.
Bookings are essential. Please email your request to dharmagaia.org@gmail.com
We are powering up the ARTIST the MEDITATOR and the PEACEFUL WARRIOR within
Join us for a day or a half day of mindfulness practice together.
You can join for the early morning sit or arrive for a 9.30am start and stay until lunchtime or about 4pm.
Bookings are essential. Please email your request to dharmagaia.org@gmail.com
Easter carries a special calling into the quiet contemplation and the deep well for Renewal Whatever our spiritual tradition, every tradition invites us to come home … to be fully embodied as the Presence we are
Join us for a day or a half day of mindfulness practice together.
You can join for the early morning sit or arrive for a 9.30am start and stay until lunchtime or about 4pm.
Bookings are essential. Please email your request to dharmagaia.org@gmail.com
A 2 Day non-residential Retreat to nourish and strengthen our capacity to live fully at ease with the world
Returning to the Source - Reconnecting with the Wisdom of Presence
Stop …. Be Present … Be Life
A day of Mindfulness
Rising out of the depth of Winter Concentration and practice we welcome the joy and deight of Spring … We are refreshed … invigorated … and alive!
When we understand the ground of Buddhist Awakening we see clearly that Transformation and Healing are possible. We are no longer afraid of our suffering, we realise that it is the mud that with deep wisdom and compassion we transform into Awakening.
This year our annual 'Loving the Earth” retreat falls wonderfully on Matariki. We will plant trees, celebrate life and enjoy Matariki, the beginning of the New Year in the Maori lunar calendar.
How precious is the opportunity to live in conscious community. To care for ourself and each other, the centre we call our home, and the precious earth in and around us.