“The roots of a lasting relationship are
mindfulness, deep listening and loving speech,
and a strong community to support you.”
New zealand affiliate Centres of Mindful Living
Auckland Centre of Mindful Living
Mindfulness evenings offered twice monthly in Mt Eden and once a month online.
Email for more information or call Caitlin on 021680817.
Hamilton east Community of Mindful Living
Weekly meetings every Wednesday from 7:15-9:15pm.
For more information about our weekly meetings and other mindfulness events in Hamilton, please contact Annemarie on (021) 076 5450. Please visit for more information.
Weekly meeting every Wednesday from 6:45 until 8:30pm.
Please contact Rosie on 021 2536693.
Whanganui Awa Pākato
Awa Pākato ~ Flowing River Whanganui Mindfulness Sangha
Contact Clare 021 0622 120.
Wellington Centre of Mindful Living
Weekly meetings every Tuesday from 7:30-9:00pm in Belmont, Lower Hutt.
For more information about our weekly meetings and other mindfulness events in Wellington, please contact Carolyn on 021 213 8872.
Nelson Centre of Mindful Living
Weekly meetings every Monday from 7:30-9.00 pm (come along early for social chat from 7pm)
For more information about our weekly meetings and other mindfulness events in Nelson, please contact Barbara or Tim on (03) 545 0622 or 021 102 1821, or Katrina on 027 742 8784 or via email
Weekly meetings on Thursdays 9:30am at the Opawa Zend0 (corner Opawa Road and Kennedy Road) 4 Kennedy Place, Hillsborough, Christchurch 8022
For more information please contact Heike via email or on 021 0257 1028
Plum Village, near Bordeaux in southwest France, is the largest international practice centre in the Plum Village tradition, and the first monastic community founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) in the West.
The Earth Holder Sangha is is an affinity group within the Plum Village International Community of Engaged Buddhists, founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. First created in the US in 2015, the Earth Holder Sangha is guided by the engaged Buddhist ethics of the Five Mindfulness Trainings and Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings.
The purpose of the Earth Holder Sangha is to:
Build a community of “Plum Village Earth Holders”, bringing like-minded sangha members together for support and inspiration, and to develop “Earth Holding” practices inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings
Engage in mindful Right Action, locally, nationally and internationally
Support sustainable communities, in particular Plum Village monasteries, lay practice centres and local sanghas
Wake Up is an active global community of young mindfulness practitioners, aged 18-35, inspired by the teachings of Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. We come together to practice mindfulness in order to take care of ourselves, nourish happiness and contribute to building a healthier and a more compassionate society. To find a group near you check the international groups page.
We join together in small groups to enjoy friendship, meditation, Mindfulness and living deeply. We know how to have fun and also how to be there in a very true and authentic way for each other.
We resonate deeply with the statement offered to us by Gandhi ... To Be the Change we want to see in this world. We see that in many places our beautiful earth is struggling and her children suffer, overloaded with intolerance, discrimination, craving, anger and despair. Seeing the environmental degradation caused by our society, we want to live in such a way that our planet Earth can thrive from our care and our awareness and in each moment we can feel the presence and support of each other no matter where we travel in the world.
Practicing mindfulness, concentration and insight, enables us to cultivate tolerance, non-discrimination, understanding and compassion in ourselves and the world.
Many Wake Up retreats have been held at Dharma Gaia over the years, co-created by young people with the support of Dharma Teachers and residents. If you have energy to offer for a retreat in 2025, please get in touch with us.
Contact us at Dharma Gaia and stay in touch via our NZWKUP Facebook page
Mindfulness practitioners are building community all over the world, and we have so much to learn from each other! Read the stories and feel inspired by how people are building communities of peace and compassion in their neck of the woods. Or share the gems that you’ve found while carving out Sangha caves of refuge for others. People share about:
Creating a New Sangha
What Do You Wish You Knew Before Starting a Sangha?
Facilitating Sangha
Nurturing the Core Members
Taking Sanghas to Next Level
And Whatever Else Inspires your Sanghabuilding Journey!