Welcome To Dharma Gaia
“The greatest gift you can offer to anyone is your True Presence.”
Dharma Gaia
community of mindful living
We are a small community of people who live simply and in harmony, sharing and growing through deepening present-moment awareness ~ our capacity to live in Presence and Peace. Our focus is on cultivating the ability to respond to each moment of life with calm clear attention.
We are often open for visitors to come to live with us, to rest in the energy of the community, cultivate clear awareness and meditation, and learn how these can profoundly change your life and relationships.
Some people come to do this via a personal retreat while others like to join in a more formal programmed retreat.
We respect and welcome people from the rich diversity of our world community without discrimination. All are part of the great Interbeing web of our humanity and the criteria to be here is based on the commitment to live in harmony with the community and the environment.
We are grounded in the teachings and tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, who is an inspiration and a profound example of the peace, wisdom, and concentration that manifests when we live fully in the present moment.
Thich Nhat Hanh states ‘We do not need to become Buddhist to touch the reality of life ... we need only to stop our running and allow ourselves to be here, now.’
The centre is nestled in the beautiful bush-covered hills of the Coromandel Peninsula in New Zealand.
Commemorating Thich Nhat Hanh 1926 -2022
A Cloud Never Dies
Please click the link and enjoy meeting Thay in the present moment
smiling with deep gratitude …. we walk for Thay

“Everything inside and around us wants to reflect itself in us.
We don't have to go anywhere to obtain the truth.
We only need to be still and things will
reveal themselves in the still water of our heart.”